How to Rank for Competitive Keywords

How to Rank for Competitive Keywords?

Ranking for competitive keywords is hard but people are doing it and now so can you!

Competitive keywords are the words and phrases that have a high search volume. Ranking for these keywords means higher organic traffic and engagement on your website. However, it is still tricky to rank the words that are being used by everyone. So to help you out, we are here with a comprehensive guide.

In this blog, we will provide you with 6 easy steps to rank for competitive keywords. We will help you attain the first rank on search engine result pages (SERPs) to increase your audience reach. So, let’s get to it!

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6 Easy Steps to Rank for Competitive Keywords

These steps have been designed by SEO experts for the simplicity of a beginner. Following these steps in detail will allow you to easily navigate the search engine algorithms. So let’s begin your journey to SEO success with these 6 steps.

Step 1: Carry Out Detailed Research

Ranking for competitive keywords takes time and your journey begins with extensive keyword research. Think about it, if you are going to spend months on ranking for a high-volume keyword, that keyword must be worth it. 

Ensure that the keyword that you opt for has a high volume. It should be generating monthly traffic between 1K and 10K. In addition, you should explore the keyword to understand for which type of content it is being ranked. Separate the keywords according to their relevance for the buyer’s journey.

Step 2: Create Valuable and Engaging Content 

After you have selected the keywords that are worth your time, it’s time to write the content. Writing content is not your target but writing content that search engines see as valuable and engaging. So how do you do that?

Firstly, you will need inspiration and for this, searching your competitors and analysing their content is the best strategy. By doing this you pinpoint the pros and cons of their content and write content that is optimised. In addition, reading is boring so don’t forget to add visuals to keep your audience engaged.

Step 3: Optimise On-page SEO

You must take into account the concerns of your audience as well as search engine algorithms. This means that your content should be engaging as well as optimised for search engines.

To do this, ensure that the competitive keyword that you want to rank for is placed strategically. This includes the title, the first paragraph, headings and conclusions. Use your primary keywords as the main guide and your secondary keywords to avoid keyword stuffing.

Step 4: Use Internal Linking

Search engines rank your content based on user navigation. If a website has all the relevant links incorporated at the relevant places, it will enhance user experience. Google and other search engines rank you higher for this, increasing your overall traffic.

In addition, if your content is not properly linked to your website, it could result in orphan pages. Avoid the trouble and resources of assessing your website and restructuring it by incorporating links wherever they are necessary.

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Step 5: Promote Your Content

After publishing your content, your job is not done. You must share it with your community through various platforms. Firstly, provide your existing audience with easy access to your content with social media. This increases your organic traffic with social media engagement.

In addition, reach out to authentic websites and blogs to pitch them about your services. This will result in backlinks that will enhance your credibility and authority on the topic. Writing guest posts is also an effective way of sharing your content and ranking for competitive keywords.

Step 6: Adapt and Improve

The last step on your journey to the top of search engines is adapting to the changing search engine algorithms and updating your content. Search engine algorithms are always updating to provide better user experience and you have to adapt to them.

In addition, you should monitor the performance of your content. If it is attracting the targeted traffic, then keep doing what you are doing. However, if it is failing consistently try to find the reason behind it.

Read this blog for the latest SEO trends in 2023.

Wrapping it Up

It is hard to rank for competitive keywords but not impossible. These keywords have a high search volume and a higher SEO difficulty but by following our 6-step procedure you will experience a higher traffic.

Firstly, you must ensure that you carry out detailed research and choose a word that is worth the time. After selecting the keyword, write content that is valuable by taking inspiration from your competitors. Furthermore, you should optimise your on-page SEO according to the keyword you want to be ranked for. After that add all the relevant links to integrate your website and enhance the user experience. Lastly, adapt and improve by tracking your content.

Are you looking to rank at the top of search engines, visit SEO Syrup – the best SEO service provider in the UK.

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