What is Keyword Density in SEO?

A Guide on: What is Keyword Density in SEO?

When you are starting your journey as an SEO content writer there will be many questions in your mind for instance how to place keywords. What is keyword density in SEO? How many keywords are too many? What is keyword stuffing? Etc.

SEO Syrup is here to guide you on what keyword density is in SEO so you get answers to all your questions and write good-quality content without getting penalised by search engines.

We will start with what is keyword density in SEO, how to calculate it, the ideal number of keywords in the content, and best practices to optimise keyword density. So, let’s get started.


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What is Keyword Density in SEO?

Keyword density commonly known as keyword frequency is related to monitoring the balance between how often a keyword phrase is used to rank the content while ensuring that it does not affect the ranking.

Keyword density is all about how many times you have used the target keyword on the webpage about the total word count on the page. When you are working to create SEO content, you will see that keywords are an important part of an SEO campaign.

However, when you use the keywords in the content for any page, it is important to ensure that you are not overusing the key phrases as it can cause low ranking in SERPs on Google.

Keyword density is often referred to as ratio and percentage, the higher the ratio or percentage the more your key term appears on the page.

Keyword density plays a crucial role in ranking a website in the search engine results pages. So it is important to maintain a healthy balance between the use of key phrases and the total word count on the webpage.

How to Calculate Keyword Density?

Calculating keyword density is an easy task and an SEO Writer can do it conveniently. To do so, you have to calculate the ratio percentage of the keyword into the overall number of words on the page. The formula to calculate keyword density is:

Keyword density = Total time keyword is used in content [divided by] Total word count on the page [multiply by] 100.

Let’s simplify it:

To get to know about keyword density in the content you will count the number you have mentioned your keyword on the page and divide it by the overall word count on the web page. Now, you can turn the ratio into a percentage by multiplying the result by 100.

For instance, suppose you have written a blog of 2000 words and used the key term 30 times. Your keyword density formula will be like this

30/2000 = 0.02x 100 = 2%

Therefore, your keyword density is 2 % in web page content

See, it is simple, now move to our next question i.e.

What is the recommended / acceptable keyword density on the page? Let’s get to know it.

What is Acceptable Keyword Density?

The truth is that there are no set rules for keyword density optimisation for every page. Once you start searching for the answers you will get many.

When you’re calculating your keyword density, you want to know that it’s a good ratio for the page. The truth, however, is there is no set optimal keyword density for every page.

Few experts suggest that the ideal keyword density in any content is from 0.5% to 0.8%. While many other experts state that from 0.5 % to 2.5% is acceptable. To be honest, if you want to hit the ideal keyword density for your content it will take trial and error.

Generally, it is stated that the density should be under 3% in any content. Moreover, you should test the keyword density for your various pages and check which percentage suits the most to your business and helps you in ranking.

Keyword Stuffing:

Talking about keyword density in SEO is not complete without discussing ‘keyword stuffing.’ Keyword stuffing means overuse of the key phrases on the page.

Keyword stuffing occurs when the writer tries to use as many keywords as possible on the web page while hoping that it will help in ranking the page on stuffed keywords. Keyword stuffing often presents the content as the terms are forcibly put in it or look like unnatural phrasing.

However, keyword stuffing does more damage and less good to the web page. Google penalise the sites for keyword stuffing in the content. Excessive use of keywords is considered a black hat technique. To avoid any negative impact on page ranking and keyword stuffing it is important to check the keyword density.

Best Practices to Optimise Keyword Density for SEO:

Here are a few best practices to optimise Keyword density

  • Write content that resonates with the audience
  • Place keywords smartly
  • Use LSI and secondary keywords along with primary keywords in the content
  • Test Keyword density from time to time.


That’s all about Keyword density in SEO. Starting your SEO content writer journey can be overwhelming and you might have numerous questions in your mind about keyword density, keyword stuffing, risks attached to it, and ideal placement. We ensure that you get answers to these questions in this blog.

The guide here explains how you can calculate keyword density, and best practices to optimise keyword density such as writing content that resonates with users, placing keywords smartly, and using LSIs.

With the help of these tactics, the writer can avoid search engine penalties and create a harmonious balance between the word count of the page and the number of keywords used in it. The writing strategy also helps in impacting SEO efforts and results positively by improving ranking on SERPs.


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